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Mohammad Ali Alamdar Yazdi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Practice
Operation Management & Business Analytics 

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
  • A consultant and data scientist with over 10 years of experience in AI, machine learning, data visualization, and statistical modeling.

  • Strong background in programming and analytics, with expertise in Python, R, Tableau, MySQL, and Excel.

  • 7 years of teaching experience, having educated more than 3,000 graduate-level students in advanced data science topics.

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Big Data Consulting Project

The course includes a partnering organization that provides a large dataset and key questions.
Students work in teams to address these using descriptive and predictive analytics, often with Tableau.

Business Analytics

This course equips students with practical skills in descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics Students preprocess data, build predictive models, and apply optimization techniques for informed business decision-making.

Data Visualization

This project-based course teaches students to use Tableau for data analysis and visualization, empowering them to build compelling and interactive dashboards and make data-driven decisions.

Data Analytics

This course teaches students to analyze data using machine learning models using R to support decision-making. Topics include EDA, Linear & Logistic Regression, Model Selection Methods, KNN, Decision Trees, and Clustering.

Python for Data Analysis

This course teaches topics such as Data Structures, Functions, Classes, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn to build practical programming skills for data analysis.

Orientations/Foundation Week Workshops

Developed and led multiple programming workshops to enhance students' skillsets, including R, Python, and Tableau sessions during MS Orientation and MBA Foundation Week events.
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Current Teaching:

Previous Teaching:

Statistical Analysis

Probability & Random Variables
Sampling Distributions
Confidence Intervals
Hypothesis Testing
Statistical Inferences
Chi Square

BU.610.625 Simulation & Strategic Options

Monte Carlo Simulation
Decision Theory
Risk Profile
Real Options
Scenario Planning
Game Theory
Analysis of Contingent Claims.

Students' Projects for the
Data Visualization Course

About Big Data
Consulting Project Course

Man Hands On Keyboard


 Python    R    Tableau    MySQL    Excel   



Current Research Project

The Johns Hopkins Drug Supply Chain Data Dashboard (2024 – present)

  • ​Leading the development of an interactive data dashboard to improve transparency and resiliency in the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain.

  • Funded by the 2024 Johns Hopkins NEXUS Research Award. Read More!

Applications Developed


  • Situation: In early 2021, as a Farsi-speaking community on Clubhouse grew, there were limited tools for users to find Farsi-speaking rooms, as Clubhouse's language recognition and room suggestion features were not fully optimized.

  • Task: I set out to create a web application that would help Farsi-speaking users easily find and navigate rooms where Persian was the primary language, while also providing additional insights and features for enhanced user experience.

  • Action: I single-handedly developed FarsiClubs, using Python and MySQL for backend algorithms and database management, along with PHP for server-side development, and JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for the front-end interface. The application utilized an innovative algorithm I designed to detect Farsi-speaking rooms without relying on language text cues, providing features such as live room tracking, club statistics, and a user-friendly search interface.

  • Result: The application successfully served the Farsi-speaking Clubhouse community by offering real-time access to up to 500 live rooms, detailed club insights, and room activity trends. While the app was discontinued after Clubhouse improved its algorithms in late 2021, FarsiClubs demonstrated my ability to independently design, develop, and deploy a data-driven web application, contributing positively to the community and enhancing my skills in full-stack development, data analysis, and user interface design.

FarsiClubs Application

DRIIVE Web Application

  • Situation: Fuel-efficient driving and routing were growing concerns for both individual drivers and transportation companies, but real-time, accessible tools to optimize eco-driving and eco-routing based on road and weather conditions were lacking.

  • Task: I developed DRIIVE, a real-time web application to reduce fuel consumption by optimizing driving behavior and route selection using dynamic programming and real-time data from Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, and OpenWeatherMap.

  • Action: I built the application using Python for the backend, implementing a dynamic programming model to optimize speed, gear shifts, and fuel consumption based on real-time data from Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, and OpenWeatherMap APIs. The app featured real-time navigation, elevation data, weather conditions, and vehicle-specific parameters. I used MySQL to store and manage data and JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for the front-end interface. The application also incorporated a cruise control simulation as a benchmark for comparison.

  • Result: DRIIVE reduced fuel consumption by up to 15%, helping drivers and transportation companies minimize costs and environmental impact. The application demonstrated the effectiveness of real-time data-driven solutions in optimizing fuel efficiency.

Research Journal Publications

Transportation Analytics:

Healthcare Analytics:

Managing prior approval for site-of-service referrals: an algorithmic approach

Published in BMC health services research in 2022​​


Streamlining science with structured data archives: insights from stroke rehabilitation

Published in Scientometrics in 2017

Human Computer Interaction:

Optimization of split keyboard design for touchscreen devices

Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction in 2019


A data-driven approach to modeling physical fatigue in the workplace using wearable sensors

Published in Applied ergonomics in 2017​​


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